Teens 'IN' Tech

This is an organisation that promotes teenage involvement in technology, this is achieved by organsing meet-ups, healthy competitions, expose potentials to tech industries and companies, and overall, build a community to solve challenges and tackle discusion topics together.

Our Mission

OUr mission is to reach as many teenagers as we posibly can in Nigeria and beyound who have their interest in technology, and help them get started or boost their growth. We do this by connecting them to mentors who are experts in their various fields and exposing them to real life experiences. We strongly beleive that many teens want to thrive in the tech industries but lack the neccessary support to get started, with the help of our partners we hope to provide support to as many as we possibly can!


We are located in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. Because this is a global community, we are open to everyone around the world!
2019/2020 0ffers !

Register As A Teen

The ages of 13 - 19 years are eligible to register as teenagers and enjoy diverse opportuinities to participate in competions learn, share, and have fun in the community.
- You can also choose to mentor others if you qualify.

Hurray! An Unfortunate Teen!

If you're less than 13yrs or older than 19yrs and less than 22yrs, you can register as an unfortunate teen and enojoy the same benefits as any other teenager in the community.

Be A Mentor

22yrs and older programmers who love to mentor younger ones can register as mentors and have fun as they raise amazing talents into world class skills!


Be A Partner

Partner with us today and join in the movement to bring more people into technology from a young age and encourage healthy competitions among our talents. Our vision is to equip the teenager with neccessary materials to foaster learning and mastery in their crafts. support us today! take pride that you helped build tomorrows future!

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